Sunday, July 28, 2013

Dalton's Visit - Third Day

Saturday was sleep-in day so we had a very late start.  In the afternoon we went to the latest Wolverine movie.  It was my first but Dalton had seen all of the previous versions and declared that this was the best.  After dinner we went to a DC United soccer game.  Ardent fans show up with large flags and bigger drums.  Having been to one of these games before, I showed up with lots of Advil.  Things can get very LOUD at these games.

 For dinner we went to the Chart House because that's where George and I had lunch the day we married.  It wasn't just a sentimental return, we also enjoy the food, especially the desserts.

Finally DC has announced a plan for a new soccer stadium.  Here is RFK that was glorious in it's day, but it's day is long past.  At least we had really good seats.
 Is it just a coincidence that VW sponsors the team 
and the team's flag looks like it was designed by
a former Nazi?

Here's just one of the many drums
scattered throughout the stands.

Half time was fun getting to see a "short game".  it was co-ed and the girls were out running the guys.

At least our team was ahead at half time.  They ultimately lost but it was strangely
comforting to know that the Nats aren't the worst professional team in DC.

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