You must have your camera at the ready at all times because you just never know what you're going to see.
Lots of people use ATV's but this is the 1st time I've seen someone checking her phone while zooming along.
Not all buildings are gorgeous. This green monstrosity is the community center for a gated community in my neighborhood. If I could vote, it would get "Ugliest Building in MSA."
Here's the Bird Lady. Look closely - she's covered and 1 is about to land on her head. Sometimes I think SMA has taken "Keep Austin Weird" to a whole new level.
No one in SMA uses garbage cans. By hanging trash bags on hooks it keeps critters getting into them. One morning I heard a very LOUD bell. I went to the door and a guy was running down the street ringing a huge bell, letting everyone know the garbage truck was coming. Sure enough it was 2 blocks behind him and some neighbors were bringing out their garbage.
Firday I took the History Walking Tour sponsored by group who volunteer their time and all funds raised from the tours go to support a children's dental clinic. Any tour of SMA is going to include a lot of churches.
Firday I took the History Walking Tour sponsored by group who volunteer their time and all funds raised from the tours go to support a children's dental clinic. Any tour of SMA is going to include a lot of churches.
Templo Inmaculada Concepcion
My tour guide was Patrick Green who lives in SMA for 5 months each year and the rest of the time in Oregon.
Patrick explained why there is a statue of St. Patrick in the Parroquia. Turns out lots of Irish abandoned General Pershing during the scurmishes with Pancho Villa which by many is considered part of the Mexican Revolution. At this time in US history the immigrants that were being mistreated were the Irish (seems there's always some group being mistreated). Mexico promised equality and opportunities which led to some switching sides.
The Parroquia is in excellent condition. Learned that the federal government owns all church buildings and the church administers them. Some newer church buildings are owned by the congregation. This floor didn't look hundreds of years old inspite of the constant use. The design actually goes all the way through the tiles so the design will never fade.
Another view of the Parroquia
Friday evening I joined friends for a visit to two art shows and dinner. I met Andrew Ostra and fell in love with some of his work. He is from Ukraine, studied in Toronto, and has lived in SMA for several years. Some of his landscapes of the city are spectacular. He is moving to Oaxaca because that where is girl friend is.
Something Renee will like. I like his scenes of SMA.
Saturday I attented my first photo club meeting at Jo's gallery. Her mother was an expat and Jo actually grew up in SMA.
Several of the attendees were professional and a few were like me - strictly amateur. We watched an inspiring video by a photographer who was speaking to Google designers. Following the video there was a general discussion.
This video is available on You Tube.
The gallery space before the meeting.
Following the meeting, another walk home to see what I could see.
Sorry about the reflection, but as I passed the Parroquia I noticed there was a wedding ceremony going on.
I was going by the park near my apartment when I spotted a photo shoot with a professional photographer. He had these students in a very formal, serious, no smiles pose. When he finished I asked if I could take a photo and this is the pose I got. He looked horrified.
It's hard to pass my local bakery and I saw that there was a van outside ready to pick up a wedding cake. I had to have a photo of the cake and the young man who was so proud of it.
The empanadas from this bakery are amazing, not to mention the pies, cookies, etc. All terrific.
The empanadas from this bakery are amazing, not to mention the pies, cookies, etc. All terrific.
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